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Healthy Living Bags
fruits + Veggies
In partnership with Ralph's Farm Market and City of Langley you can purchase a bag of fruit and vegetables for $6/bag once per month!
Bags are seasonal and change monthly. No limit on number of bags ordered.
One healthy living bag is enough for 1-2 people.
An example of what you could get in a bag:
2 apples
2 bananas
2 oranges
2 tomatoes
4-5 carrots ( based on weight )
1 english cucumber
1 onion

Pre-order by the last wednesday of the month.
Pick-up is typically the first Tuesday or Wednesday of the month between
11:00am to 8:00pm at Timms Community Centre-20399 Douglas Crescent.
Pick-up can be arranged at Firehouse Cafe between 2-4pm for those living in Aldergrove. Must state this on your registration form under "enrollement details" when checking out.
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